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The Encounter Based Church: A Practical Guide to Church Growth

As American culture becomes increasingly secular, pastors and church leaders are always looking for the most effective and contemporary methods of reaching a new generation. Some place emphasis on proclamation, some on the power of the Holy Spirit, and some on creating a welcoming environment. Yet, for complex reasons, these approaches are too often mutually exclusive, leaving us either preaching to the chosen few, or broadening our message so greatly that we lose focus. But do we really have to sacrifice one for the other? The Encounter-Based Church is a practical guide for pastors who want to see their churches grow not just in number but in depth of encounter with the Holy Spirit.

Apostolic Movements

Will Riddle11 minutes to read

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a term that was used by Peter Wagner to describe current trends in church movements, particularly with regard to a "five-fold" ministry and church polity. These NAR movements are supposed to be led through relationships instead of structures, and generally follow the Ephesians 4:10 …

Most Influential Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches in America

Will Riddle9 minutes to read

While there are lots of lists of big churches, there really isn't a list that gives a good picture of the landscape inside the Spirit-filled world.  Understanding this landscape can help you as leader to navigate your world better and ultimately make better choices.   Great leaders follow other great leaders, …

5 Keys to Successful Church Planting

Will Riddle5 minutes to read

Are you thinking about planting a church? As someone who has been a leader in three church plants, I want to make it a lot easier for you, I've seen what works and what doesn't work, and I want it to work for you. Planting a church is one of …

The Catholic Charismatic Landscape

Will Riddle5 minutes to read

While charismatic activity has always been present within the Roman Catholic Church, the current form of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal stems from 1967, when a group of students at Duquesne University received baptism in the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues. They were inspired by David Wilkerson’s The Cross …

Things To Know Before Planting a Church

Will Riddle5 minutes to read

Church planting is incredibly exciting, but also incredibly daunting.  You don’t know what you don’t know.  And even people with a lot of experience can’t know everything.   That’s why I want to share a few key perspectives with you.  I’ve spent most of my adult life as a leader within …

4 Things You Must Do for Your Church Plant to Grow

Will Riddle3 minutes to read

A church plant is a Kingdom startup, and like all startups, it runs on momentum. To succeed, you must keep moving, and moving in the right direction. There are things you can do as a leader to generate and sustain momentum, and there are also things that, if left unchecked, …

Models of Church: Is the House Church Best?

Will Riddle8 minutes to read

House Church A large segment of radical Spirit-filled believers have an aversion to the modern expression of church. The house church movement has been around for decades, but for many, this sentiment was crystallized by the writing of Frank Viola, and especially Pagan Christianity, which he wrote with George Barna. …

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