Asbury Revival: What's Next?
Will Riddle3 minutes to read
For nearly two decades, a remarkable man, a firebrand, more consecrated to a singular purpose than perhaps anyone we’ve seen in our lifetime led a movement to save America. It was called “The Call” and it brought two generations of young people out to cry out for America in major …
No Cross, No Crown.
Will Riddle4 minutes to read
Imprisoned for his beliefs, William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, and a forgotten father of religious freedom, wrote the classic book No Cross, No Crown. While suffering in the Tower of London for his faith, stripped of the privileges he was entitled to as a nobleman, he discovered something we have …
Statement of Faith
Will Riddle3 minutes to read
Kingdom Change seeks to be in obedience to God as he has revealed himself through Scripture in all that we do. The following statement is a concise expression of our understanding of the core of Scriptural Christian belief. We believe in: The Bible: We believe the Scriptures are the Word …
Biblical Dream Interpretation
Will Riddle8 minutes to read
When you read the Bible, you quickly discover that one of the main ways God speaks to people is through dreams. In Genesis, God speaks to Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph in dreams. The book of Daniel is replete with dreams – the pagan king Nebuchadnezzar receives dreams foretelling the coming …
Charismatic Theology and Spiritual Hunger
Will Riddle6 minutes to read
Since most Charismatic Christians don’t spend a lot of time reading or writing theology, we are sometimes thought of as having no theology at all. In reality, everyone has a theology, based both on experience and instruction. But it is true that Charismatics often do not work through what we …
IHOP Eschatology
Will Riddle6 minutes to read
End Time Shift The prophetic movement as I knew it in the 1990's was based on knowing Jesus personally and hearing his heart for others. That was led by Metro Christian Fellowship and the so-called Kansas City Prophets. Around 2000 Mike Bickle handed the church to others and launched The …
Are You Confused? Eschatology Made Simple
Will Riddle6 minutes to read
Every few years it seems that a group of committed Christians becomes convinced that they have figured out exactly when Jesus is going to return. In 1988, it was the blockbuster book, 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988. Then, a lot of Christians got worked up about …
Schools of Supernatural Ministry
Will Riddle8 minutes to read
In the last hundred years or so, the Lord has been restoring the Holy Spirit to His rightful role in the Church. The Body of Christ has been rediscovering the importance of miracles, healing, and the prophetic in demonstrating the gospel. As the Body is maturing in the gifts of …
Models of Church: Is the House Church Best?
Will Riddle8 minutes to read
House Church A large segment of radical Spirit-filled believers have an aversion to the modern expression of church. The house church movement has been around for decades, but for many, this sentiment was crystallized by the writing of Frank Viola, and especially Pagan Christianity, which he wrote with George Barna. …
4 Things You Must Do for Your Church Plant to Grow
Will Riddle3 minutes to read
A church plant is a Kingdom startup, and like all startups, it runs on momentum. To succeed, you must keep moving, and moving in the right direction. There are things you can do as a leader to generate and sustain momentum, and there are also things that, if left unchecked, …
Things To Know Before Planting a Church
Will Riddle5 minutes to read
Church planting is incredibly exciting, but also incredibly daunting. You don’t know what you don’t know. And even people with a lot of experience can’t know everything. That’s why I want to share a few key perspectives with you. I’ve spent most of my adult life as a leader within …
Exercising the Gift of Discernment
Will Riddle6 minutes to read
While there are numerous books and teachings on hearing the voice of God, focusing on the Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, and Prophecy, little is ever said of the Gift of Discernment. On the other hand, it’s not uncommon to hear someone says “Where is our discernment?” There are …
How NOT to Receive a Prophecy
Will Riddle6 minutes to read
Just as there is an art to hearing God’s voice for other people, so too is there an art to receiving prophetic words addressed to you. Most people know that a prophecy must be consistent with Scripture in order to be valid. But there is also a psychological process to …
Why Prophetic People Can Miss It
Will Riddle6 minutes to read
Some influential Christians have said that prophetic people need to be 100% accurate, or they should be considered a “false prophet.” This “all or nothing” attitude comes from an interpretation of certain verses in the Old Testament, in which the Israelites were instructed to stone a prophet who prophesied in …
Can God Really Meet Your Emotional Needs?
Will Riddle5 minutes to read
When I was in college under the campus ministry, all answers came back to, “God is the answer.” If you felt lonely and depressed, God was the answer. If you were lonely and needed more friends, God was the answer. If you thought a girl was cute and wished you …
Approaches to Christian Counseling
Will Riddle6 minutes to read
The basic task of pastoring people is helping them to grow. A major component of this then is counseling. And both counseling and pastoring are tied closely to your view of sanctification, and your view of the human person. There are several major schools of thought within the church today …
The Catholic Charismatic Landscape
Will Riddle5 minutes to read
While charismatic activity has always been present within the Roman Catholic Church, the current form of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal stems from 1967, when a group of students at Duquesne University received baptism in the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues. They were inspired by David Wilkerson’s The Cross …
Apostolic Movements
Will Riddle11 minutes to read
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a term that was used by Peter Wagner to describe current trends in church movements, particularly with regard to a "five-fold" ministry and church polity. These NAR movements are supposed to be led through relationships instead of structures, and generally follow the Ephesians 4:10 …
Most Influential Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches in America
Will Riddle9 minutes to read
While there are lots of lists of big churches, there really isn't a list that gives a good picture of the landscape inside the Spirit-filled world. Understanding this landscape can help you as leader to navigate your world better and ultimately make better choices. Great leaders follow other great leaders, …
5 Keys to Successful Church Planting
Will Riddle5 minutes to read
Are you thinking about planting a church? As someone who has been a leader in three church plants, I want to make it a lot easier for you, I've seen what works and what doesn't work, and I want it to work for you. Planting a church is one of …
Prophets That I Know About
Will Riddle21 minutes to read
The prophetic movement began in 1948 with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. A group of Pentecostal Bible students from the Sharon Orphanage and Schools began fasting after some of their leaders had driven to Vancouver to see William Branham in person. Branham's gift was so …
Christian Codependency
Will Riddle8 minutes to read
A codependent relationship is one where the love flow is based on one person providing assistance and the other person receiving assistance. In the world, this pairing is usually found between someone who is has low self-esteem and tolerates selfish behavior from the other person. In Christian settings, however, a …
How to Avoid Pastoral Burnout
Will Riddle7 minutes to read
If you are any good at pastoring, you will quickly have more people to help than you have time to help them with. This can easily lead to burnout, where you are swamped pouring effort into your flock and seeing very little return. So the question becomes who do you …
Helping Others to Develop Emotionally
Will Riddle5 minutes to read
When you are a little baby and you cry, your mom might say to you, “Oh, are you sad?”, or when you laugh she might say, “Oh, you’re so happy!” This is part of a healthy upbringing. Your parents and others who love you are giving you words for your …
The Pastor's Heart
Will Riddle5 minutes to read
What do you think of when you think of a "pastor"? The leader of a church? A preacher? Someone with a friendly personality? A pastor may be all of those things, but fundamentally, Biblically speaking, the essence of a pastor is something else: a shepherd. This shepherd keeps watch, over …
Things to Understand About Prophecy
Will Riddle6 minutes to read
Prophecy and Your Walk with God Many Christians are uncertain or inexperienced with personal prophecy, but I have found that prophecy can fast track your walk with God if you utilize it properly. If I speak a word over you, I want you to have a healthy, positive experience, so …