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Cover for Cracking the End Time Code

Cracking the End Time Code

Is the world about to end or will it last for thousands more years? Are contemporary events in the Middle East foretold by the book of Revelation? Are the blood moons a sign of the end? And why is all of this so confusing anyway? For thousands of years, Christians have been confused by questions about the end times, but even if others are confused, you don’t have to be. Cracking the End Time Code gets to the heart of the matter by breaking down all of the major theories and making them easy to understand. Together, we will examine history, theology, and the Bible on the search for truth. Open your mind. The answers may surprise you.

Are You Confused? Eschatology Made Simple

Will Riddle6 minutes to read

Every few years it seems that a group of committed Christians becomes convinced that they have figured out exactly when Jesus is going to return. In 1988, it was the blockbuster book, 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988. Then, a lot of Christians got worked up about …

IHOP Eschatology

Will Riddle6 minutes to read

End Time Shift The prophetic movement as I knew it in the 1990's was based on knowing Jesus personally and hearing his heart for others.  That was led by Metro Christian Fellowship and the so-called Kansas City Prophets.  Around 2000 Mike Bickle handed the church to others and launched The …

Charismatic Theology and Spiritual Hunger

Will Riddle6 minutes to read

Since most Charismatic Christians don’t spend a lot of time reading or writing theology, we are sometimes thought of as having no theology at all. In reality, everyone has a theology, based both on experience and instruction. But it is true that Charismatics often do not work through what we …

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